Monday, August 14, 2006


Recently I've had a few "bad experiences" with clothes. I have never been a great one to really worry about what I am wearing and with two small children I am used to discovering unwanted "marks" on my clothes after leaving home in a rush. My children have grown a little more now though and the surprise discoveries of a bit of snot or vomit (sorry I don't mean to be graphic!) have been getting less and less frequent. However twice in the last week I have looked down at my shirt in a meeting and discovered it streaked with greenish yellow lines - everywhere! I think these lines must appear after I leave the house as they are so obvious after I sit down that I can't imagine how I never noticed them before. They have been a bit of a puzzle to me - they don't come out in the wash (although with a little "Sards Wonder Soap" I can generally get them out) and they seem to appear from nowhere.....
It wasn't until this morning that the mystery was solved. You may remember a few weeks ago I posted a photo of a bright green caterpillar. Well this morning I found another huge caterpillar munching on a tomato plant - and guess what??? It was exactly the same colour as the stains all over my shirts! Thinking back I realised that each time the stains appeared I had quickly gone into the garden before going to my meeting to collect some tomatoes to take with me..... mystery solved!
On the insect theme - this is a "Giant Katydid" and I would just like to tell you that they are even noiser than the frogs and the cicadas put together! I just scared this one away from our deck door as it was so loud that we couldn't hear the TV - I made a sound file to show you what I am talking about, but my technical knowledge falls flat of actually being able to attach it to this blog. You will just have to come and listen for yourselves!

Okay, so I really don't have a lot to write about today..... sorry! Actually the guest house was supposed to be completely finished and handed over to us on Friday, but it wasn't quite finished in time and now everyone here in Japan is on holiday until the 16th so we are still waiting to actually get inside and put some furniture in it. A little frustrating, but I think the end is insight. There are 4 Korean City Office workers booked in on September 11th, so here's hoping it is finished by then! We have to start paying for it somehow.....

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