Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another weekend gone

Time is racing by here with yet another weekend finished and another school week looming. One of the things I enjoy about New Zealand is the number of things that you can do for free. There are usually enough things happening to keep the children interested and this weekend was no exception - Saturday was spent at the morning farmers market, the library and then the museum, where the children spent hours finding all the birds and animals that are unique to New Zealand that they have been reading about in their books - Takahe, pukeko, kakapo, moa, etc. etc. Their language is developing very fast!
Today we went to two different festivals around town - both that had a lot of different music and dance items as well as face painting, jumpy airplanes, mini fire engines to ride in etc. Lots of free entertainment to fill in the day.
Back to school tomorrow for more great experiences!

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