Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Australian visitors

A couple of weeks ago we went shopping for a cupboard to put in the corner to put all our plates etc. in and came home with no cupboard, but a big table which we hoped would seat up to 8 people. Last night we got to test it out with some very tired hikers. Joe brought some guests from Australia and fortunately we all fitted perfectly around the table. They all seemed to enjoy their break from Japanese rooms and Japanese food and limped off happily this morning.
After they left the children decided they wanted to go hiking too so my husband took them on a short hike to my daughter's school. It is almost 6km from here, but they did a great job and walked all the way in just over an hour. They managed to pick up bags of rubbish on the way and are already talking about where they want to walk to next. Fortunately someone has to stay at home to go and collect them when they arrive at their destination!

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