Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Renga Renga Lillies that weren't....


Way back in 2006 I wrote about incorporating a taste of home (ie New Zealand) into my garden and there was this photo of some Renga Renga Lillies which I had proudly grown from seed.  They have grown well under the magnolia tree and each year have gotten bigger and bigger.  Unfortunately each year they have also become more and more like cabbage trees... and I now have finally started to acknowledge that either the seeds I bought were mislabelled or I somehow mixed up the labels when they were seedlings.  I personally can't believe that I would ever make a mistake with labelling so am thinking it was the seed company's fault..... much easier to blame someone who isn't here!
Either way I now have a dilemma - the trees need to be removed...  if I try to dig them out and replant them somewhere else I am likely to kill off the magnolia tree which my husband planted when his second daughter from his first marriage was born.  But, if I don't try to dig them out and just cut them down then I lose a little bit more of New Zealand from my garden.  I think I'll just think on it for a few more months and see what happens...... a much easier option than actually making a decision!

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